Gift Information
Monthly Donation


  1. 購置便攜式X光機、制氧機、醫學成像儀、呼吸機、個人保護設備(PPE) 、及iPads 作視訊設備
  2. 開發遙距診症系統,為新冠患者及其他患者進行線上遙距診療
  3. 增強新冠肺炎防護醫護人員的防控和救治能力訓練
  4. 投入資源支援及關懷前線醫護人員的身心健康
  5. 支援新興的需求
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Please note that there is a 255 character limit to your message, which is about 30 words.

Donor information

*After you make your donation, you will receive periodic email updates and communications from North York General Hospital Foundation. Please note that you may opt-out at any time through the 'unsubscribe' option within those emails.

Credit Card Information:

Credit Card Type:
  • Visa
  • American Express
  • MasterCard
What is this?
*Having Trouble? Contact the Foundation directly to make your gift at: 416-756-6944 or email: foundation@nygh.on.ca